Monday, November 26, 2012

Final paper outline

1. i want to talk some racism, ethnic and immigration issues that i saw in the TV or on the internet.

2. The first view of the racism, ethnic and immigration in the United States, the condition of these issues and the importance to know these information.

3. To compare the racism, ethnic and the immigration from different areas, find the reason and the result that these issues cause.

4. Have a research of these issue and the opinions from the different people to find the right way to figure out the advantages and disadvantages.
5. the conclusion.
Why i choose this topic. because this is my first time to come to the United States. and in my home country China, we seldom meet these issues. The ethnic is all yellows and we do not have large numbers of immigration. So the issues here in the United States are also knowledge that i need to learn. To learn the history and the culture about them will help me build good relationships with the people around me and show respect to them.

Final paper topic

My final paper topic is about the racism, ethnic and immigration in the United States.

I choose this topic because i am an international student from China, i do not know a lot about the racism, ethnic and immigration issues in the United States when i first come here. The history and culture of them are very important for me to learn more about these people in the United States and have a good relationship with them.
So i want to have a research of it and i can get some information from the ethnic class that i have taken.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

the third interview

1My preparations
For my first interview, I choose one from Asian countries. I choose one Africa country for my third interview. Based on my previous interview experience, I used my checklist which is very helpful. It helps me not to forget things that I need. I removed one question about religions from my list before I interviewed, because I know Saudi Arabian people have very high sensitivity for this topic. I searched backgrounds on google for my interview preparation.
How did you approach people.
I take the esl class last semester. There are many Saudi Arabian students who study there. I contacted one of my writing classmates on facebook to help me do my interview project. He agreed to help me and set up a time.
 When, where, and how did you conduct and record the interview?
I met him at coffee shop in miller center
 Whom did you interview?
His name is Abdullah.B. He comes from Saudi Arabia. He is a freshman and studies in the information system major.
2. Describe the interview. What did surprise you? How did the interview unfold?
I am not familler with their culture. At first, I just asked him one by one from that thirteen basic questions. he was willing to answer my questions. So we did a very well interview. I notice that in saudi arabian womem is very traditional. They wear long and fat clothings to cover their body and face. Also, women are not allowed to drive car. They couple can’t see each other before they marry.the educational struture is petty much like china and american. 
3Country report
The kingdom of saudi arabia. The government type is Monarchy with Council of Ministers and Consultati(or Shura) Council. 

Saudi Arabia has centuries-old attitudes and traditions, often derived from Arab tribal civilization. This culture has been bolstered by the austerely puritanical Wahhabiform of Islam, which arose in the eighteenth century and now predominates in the country. The many limitations on behaviour and dress are strictly enforced both legally and socially. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited, for example, and there is no theatre or public exhibition of films. Public expression of opinion about domestic political or social matters is discouraged. There are no organizations such as political parties or labour unions to provide public forums.
Daily life is dominated by Islamic observance. Five times each day, Muslims are called to prayer from the minarets of mosques scattered throughout the country. Because Friday is the holiest day for Muslims, the weekend begins on Thursday In accordance with Wahhabi doctrine, only two religious holidays are publicly recognized, Īd al-Fiṭr and Īd al-Aḍḥā. Celebration of other Islamic holidays, such as the Prophet’s birthday and Āshūrā (an important holiday for Shīites), are tolerated only when celebrated locally and on a small scale. Public observance of non-Islamic religious holidays is prohibited, with the exception of September 23, which commemorates the unification of the kingdom.
Saudi Arabian dress strictly follows the principles of hijab (the Islamic principle of modesty, especially in dress). The predominantly loose and flowing, but covering, garments are suited to Saudi Arabia's desert climate. Traditionally, men usually wear an ankle length shirt woven from wool or cotton (known as a thawb), with a keffiyeh (a large checkered square of cotton held in place by a cord coil) or a ghutra (a plain white square made of finer cotton, also held in place by a cord coil) worn on the head. For rare chilly days, Saudi men wear a camel-hair cloak over the top. Women's clothes are decorated with tribal motifs, coins, sequins, metallic thread, and appliques. Women are required to wear an abaya or modest clothing when in public

4. Interview transcription
Me :Hello, thanks for coming my interview. Long time no see, how are you?
A: Hi, I am fine. How is going so far?
Me: It is good but there are many projects I have to do. Such as this interview is for my English 191 class. I need to interview and compare three people form different country. But I enjoy to interview students.
A: That’s nice because you can learn lot of things.
Me: yeah,you are right. Are you ready for answer all my questions?
A: yes. Go ahead.
Me:you comes form saudia, What are the typical greetings in your country and what do they mean?
A:In Saudi, men often greet each other with kisses, but Saudi men usually just shake hands with foreign men unless they are close friends.
Me: I heard that in saudi. Men and women have an difference relationship with other country. Is that true?
A: Because of the strict segregation of the sexes, there is very little communication between men and women in public. Other forigin country people should aviod to get close to opposite sex.
Me: that’s culture. I saw that many saudia women wearing very long clothing, is that stand for something?
A: yes, it is a traditional custom to wear long clothings.
Me: What religious holidays or other cultural events do you or others celebrate; can you explain your traditions for each?
A: Um, our religion is Muslim.Muslims have two major religious observances each year, Ramadan and Hajj, and corresponding holidays connected with each one.
Me: What different modes of transportation are used in your country? 
A: like most of country, car is most common transportations. Everyfamily have their own car. Bus and fight also are used.
Me: it looks the same as other country. Which country`s food do you like the most?
A there is no doubt that I like saudia food the most. But sometimes I will try chinese food. It taste very good.
Me: Do you see any difference between chinese food and saudi food?
A: I think chinese food is made by very complicated ingrents. And saudia food is very simple.
Me:that is true. So How would you describe famous sports in your country
A: for me, I would like to watch football. Eventhough our country is not good at it.
Me: You often play football with your friends in here?
A: hehe. I hope but I can’t find playyard in here.
Me: can you describe a typical day for children in your country?
A: you mean students?
Me: yes.
A: oh. They go to school from Monday to Friday every week. And class begins at 8am. After class they may go back home to do their homework.
Me: so what age did you start school?
MeYou went to elementary school at 6?
A: Yean. I went to kindergarten at 4 years old.
Me: are you under a lot of pressure when you go to school?
before i went to school, my mom teacher teach me some basic knowlege. so I am not feel any stress.
Me: That is cool.
Me:  What could SCSU do to make your stay on campus better?
A: you know, becasue saudia people still wearing our triditional clothings. when we walk outside, some peole may thinks our very strange. if our school can provide us more stage to propaganda our culture. i think it will make us happy.
Me: That's a good idea. you and me are international students. we come here, most students are america. sometimes. they may misunderstand us.
A: yes. the other things is that i want our school provide more different food for us.
Me; that what i think.
A: School life is tough sometimes. thanks we have friends.
Me: yes. are you go back home we are done our interview?
A:oh, i will go to city with my friends.
Me: then, thank you for you time to come here. have a good day.
A: you are welcome. you too.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Second interview

Interview preparation
My second interview is about the United States. The country which I am now studYihaohaong in is the most developed country in the world. And a lot of things in the United States interest me like the PC games and the NBA. I want to know more about this country, not only about these things which I am interested in but also a lot of things in other aspects to help me join this United States’ family. So I invite my friend Cody to have an interview, he is also interested in the sports in his country.

Interview report
The interview went so well because we have the same hobbies and it was very relaxed during the interview. Cody is my best American friend, we met each other in the Ethnic class and when we chatted in the break time, we found we have same hobbies so we were enjoYihaohaong the time we chatted with each other.

Country report
The United States is the fourth largest country in the world at the size of 3.79 million square miles. The capital city of the United States is Washington DC. And this country lies between the pacific and Atlantic Oceans. To the north of it is Canada and to the south of it is Mexico. There are over 314 million people in the United States. The United States is one of the most developed countries in the world. The World War 1 confirmed the country’s status as a global military power. The United States emerged from the World War 2 as the first country with nuclear weapons and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union left the United States as the sole superpower. The US economy is the world’s largest national economy, with an estimated 2011 GDP of 15.1trillion USD (22% of nominal global GDP and over 19% of global GDP at purchasing-power parity).

Yihao: OK, let's start our interview and thanks for your coming Cody and this is my first question, Where are you from?
Cody: I was born in United StatesMinnesota, Duluth.
Yihao: How to spell the city?
Cody: D-U-L-U-T-H. It’s kind of in the north of Minnesota.
Yihao: So you are living on campus now?
Cody: Yes.
Yihao: What kind of government is in charge of your home country, how did it affect your life and you know in China, the government take charge of almost everything.
Cody: Do you know democracy in America?
Yihao: Yep, but i just know something about it.
Cody: Ok. You know every American has their right to select president. Democracy is about freedom and the choice. You can do your own decision and no one can change it.
Yihao: Do you vote for president on the 6th Nov?
Cody: Yes, we vote for president every four years.
Yihao: At which age can you have right to make your own vote?
Cody: You should be 18.
Yihao: Ok.I think it's the same in China but in our country, only a few people pay attention to this right and how to use it. Can you describe a typical day for a child in your country?
Cody: Well. I will talk about a typical day for a six or seven child I think. They wake up about 8 a.m.. They usually eat breakfast with their parents and then parents will drive their children to school. Some of the students take school bus to go to school. Then they go for a day in school. In most of the schools, the school time is from about 9am to 3pm. Kindergarten children do not have much academic. Then they go back home and have several hours left to do other things. Usually, these children will spend lots of time with their family.
Yihao: Do you believe in any religion like Christian?
Cody: Yes.
Yihao: So are you a Christian?
Cody: Yes.
Yihao: Usually you celebrate Christmas?
Cody: Yes. We have several holidays. The main one is Christmas. We give presents to our family members and some friends. We also celebrate Easter.
Yihao: How about the gift giving?
Cody:  We give gifts to parents, friends, relatives and a lot of people. Depends how much you like them. If you do not come back to China, i will prepare one for you.
Yihao: Aha,thank you.By the way. Do you have any daily rituals in regards to your religious beliefs?
Cody: Yes, I pray every week.
Yihao: Do you read Bible?
Cody: You don’t need to read Bible every day. I probably read once a week, not every day. You don’t really have to.
Yihao: Do you go to church every Sunday?
Cody: Yes, every Sunday.
Yihao: What are the typical greetings in your culture and what do they mean?
Cody: Typical greetings are usually shaking hands. Kiss is a wired greeting. I don’t really see people doing here.
Yihao: Do you hug with people?
Cody: Not usually.
Yihao: What different modes of transportation are used in USA?
Cody: The most common mode transportation is car. That’s for sure. The next one, it’s hard to say, probably bike. It’s a popular one.
Yihao: Which country`s food do you like the most?
Cody: It’s a tough one. I think Chinese food, probably because I really like spicy food. It tastes really good. Once I took Indian food, it’s really really spicy. I think Chinese food has a good balance of spicy.
Yihao: Do you like American food?
Cody: I guess I kind of like American food but Chinese food is better. Even if I like burgers, if I take burgers every day, it doesn’t taste good. You know what I mean?
Yihao: Yes. Besides burgers and fast food, what other kinds of American food do you usually have?
Cody: Beside burgers and fast food, we have a lot of things we can cook at home like cheese, hot dogs.
Yihao: Does your family usually cook at home?
Cody: Yes, my family definitely eat at home more often than. Fast food is not good for you. A lot of people know that and it cost much.
Yihao: Ok, let's talk something about the most wonderful parts that i am interested in the United States. How would you describe famous sports in USA?
Cody: I think most famous sport is football.
Yihao: How about the basketball?
Cody: Yes, basketball is also popular. I know you love watching NBA games a lot, and you know some of the basketball stars in Minnesota are very famous like Rubio and Kevin Love. And how do you know about super bowl?
Yihao: I know it is a very large game for the football fans.
Cody: Yes, millions and millions of people watch super bowl that night. Basketball is the second. Another one could be baseball.
Yihao: What’s your favorite sport?
Cody: Umm. It’s a tough one. I think it’s football.
Yihao: Do you watch football.
Cody: Yes, I am a big fan.
Yihao: Let's talk another topic. At what age do you start school?
Cody: It kind of depends on person. Children usually start school at 6 or 7. We have pre-school for 3 and 4. You don’t need to go. For example, I skip the pre-school.
Yihao: Do you have any requirement that you must go school at which age?
Cody: No, nothing like that.
Yihao: What could SCSU do to make your stay on campus better?  
Cody: I live in my house and I just drive here when I have class. I think one thing could change may be the parking fees because they don’t really need this money to pay anything. It’s better free for parking.
Yihao: Does every teenager have to go to work when they are 16?
Cody: They don’t have to. Some parents want their children to have a job and get money but you don’t have to. For example, I am 16 and I don’t have a job.
Yihao: So, that’s it. Thank you so much.
Cody: No problem.
Yihao: Do you go home right now.
Cody: I just go to Garvey and have dinner on campus.
Yihao: Oh it's also my plan. Let's go!