Monday, September 17, 2012


                                                                                                                     Yihao Sun , Hua Gong

    Before you write paper, you should understand what the plagiarism is. Plagiarism, broadly defined, encompasses presenting other people’s ideas as your own without clearly giving them credit.
Any part of a text you directly quote in your paper. You need to put any and every word that belongs to someone else that you copied from their text in quotation marks (with the exception of words like ‘and’ or ‘the’).

Any part of a text you paraphrase.

Any part of a text you summarize.

Any person’s original thoughts, opinions, or ideas.

Any facts, statistics, graphs or information that is not ‘common knowledge
As we know, plagiarism is not a good thing for us, everyone knows that. Usually, we do a good reference to avoid copy others idea or sentences.Now, I want to introduce some suggestions to avoid committing plagiarism happen.
Firstly, you need to plan ahead. Students always did not plan ahead when they started writing and they just want to finish the task as soon as possible. Start researching your topic right away and think about how to organize your information from sources. You need to think what kind of ways you want to do reference and how to make the essay more original and individual. By understanding the subject, you are more likely to write in your own words, rather than restate someone else's definition of this subject.

Secondly, become informed also is a good way to avoid plagiarism. When you find out what style of documentation you should use by asking your professor or checking your class syllabus. Such as MLA or APA styles are common documentation styles. You can find many resources from Internet, you can know what information have posted already and avoid plagiarism. Otherwise, you can go to the write place in St. Cloud state university or library to get suggestions and advices to check whether you are plagiarizing or not.

Thirdly, you can choose quoted or paraphrased from other sources. .Quoted means present what did author talked about. If you use a direct quote from another author's work, then you should quote it and cite it properly.You need to tell readers who said this and you need to write all the details.Paraphrased means transfer others words to your own words. If you paraphrase something from another source, make sure you use all of your own words.You need not to write all details, you just need to write mean ideas. Never just change a few words in the sentence to make it look a little different. If you want to explain exactly where the information come from, cite it and tell readers the author’s name, the article name and which page and which paragraph you got it. Besides, if you got information from website you could also write the publish year and underline the website.
Lastly, note taking also is a good way to avoid plagiarism. When you write entire article, you can take notes and summarize it in your own words. When you take notes, you could distinguish what ways you could do reference. 

To have a good writing work,  we should avoid plagiarism and make others understand your article well. If you can not make sure if your work have plagiarism in it, you can go to some website and type you article to check it. A good work do not have any plagiarism!

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