Sunday, September 23, 2012

How my group organized the presentation on avoiding plagiarism

There are two people in our group, me and Gong. We choose the same topic how to avoid the plagiarism. We two are all international students and come from the same country China. We began our preparation for the presentation from talking about the plagiarism in our home country. Before you write paper, you should understand what the plagiarism is. Any part of a text you directly quote in your paper. You need to put any and every word that belongs to someone else that you copied from their text in quotation marks .
First, we compared the case of plagiarism in China and the United States. In China, our teacher did not tell us a  lot about the plagiarism so the students did not need to pay attention to the credits for the information which you get from others. We shared our experience with each other. Like when i was in high school, i could always use the information from the internet in my paper and did not need to write down where the resource from. They looked like the idea from my mind, but it is not true. I just copy others' ideas and use them in my own paper.
Then we use the Wikipedia to find the definition for the plagiarism. We got lots of different meanings for it and we chose the definition which is mostly closed to the ideal definition in our minds. We wanted to show the importance of making credits for the information from others. And the plagiarism would make our work unreal or dishonest.
Gong searched for where we should notice to make the credits for the information.  And i searched some ways that we can avoid the plagiarism. When i searched that,  i got something from the experience of my last semester and i also told this idea to Gong. Last semester was my first semester, and i still had not been used to make the credits for the information from internet. At the final paper of my culture class.  i used the information which i got from the internet and finally did not get a good score for it.  I got confused and asked the professor for the reason. He told me about i should make the credits for the information from others. It was my first time to know about this. Gong also told me about his experience and seemed the same as mine.
Then we talked about the ways to avoid plagiarism and chose the most effective and helpful ways. We compared the different ways and make ourselves into each condition.
Finally, we decided the parts for each person. I would do the introduction and the explanation and Gong would do the recommendation of the different ways and the conclusion . We knew that there are lots of international students in out class and they should know more about the rules of school works and something should be avoided. We hope our presentation can help the other classmates to get some new information.

                                                                                                                       Yihao Sun 
                                                                                   with my group mate Gong Hua

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