Sunday, September 30, 2012

5 others' blogs

Gong Hua's book is My Early Life, it talks about the life about the Winston Churchill. Through this book you can know the early memory in his life.

Miller, Benjamin W's book is called  Alexander the Great: A new history, this book can bring me a lot of knowledge about the Rome culture.

He Xianping's book psychology and environment. Most of the psychology information in it and was written by Claude Levy-Leboyer in 1982.

Tran, Quyen H's book is about the country Thailand. It's a small book but with a pretty looking, you can get the information about the thailand's history and culture.

Tran, Thanh Thanh's book is called Human Performance and Ergonomics. In this book, you can know that some useful words about the development of human being like 'Without the proper needs in a work environment, the work that was produced from an employee may seem lacking.'

These five books are useful to people to know the world outside or before. Most of them are about the history and culture. they can help you understand more and learn how human's history developed.

Monday, September 24, 2012

My book The Best Of London

1. Why did you select the bopok you brought to class?
I want to travel London after i graduate.
2. How many authors does it have?
3. What is the title?
The Best Of London.
4. Who printed the book?
Crown Publishers and The Knapp Press.
5. Which city was it printed in, and when?
In New York,1982

My book is called The Best Of London. It was written by Henri Gault and Christian Millau. And it was first published by Crown Publishers and The knapp Press in New York in 1982.  The book is about the wonderful places in London like where you can find nice food and where you can enjoy the night life. You can also find most of the hotels and restaurants in London.
Visitors to London who arrive without contacts will find the club scene unbellievably frustrating and astonishingly difficult to infiltrate. "British licensing laws insist that nightclubs are members-only, and the concept of "club prives" is quite different in London than in Paris. There is little point in turning up at the most exclusive clubs like Annabel's or Tramp, however well-dressed or however eligible you may be, because they will not let you in. "This is the part that most interests me.

Work cited: The Best Of London,1982, Henri Gault & Christian Millau,New York, Page 153

Sunday, September 23, 2012

How my group organized the presentation on avoiding plagiarism

There are two people in our group, me and Gong. We choose the same topic how to avoid the plagiarism. We two are all international students and come from the same country China. We began our preparation for the presentation from talking about the plagiarism in our home country. Before you write paper, you should understand what the plagiarism is. Any part of a text you directly quote in your paper. You need to put any and every word that belongs to someone else that you copied from their text in quotation marks .
First, we compared the case of plagiarism in China and the United States. In China, our teacher did not tell us a  lot about the plagiarism so the students did not need to pay attention to the credits for the information which you get from others. We shared our experience with each other. Like when i was in high school, i could always use the information from the internet in my paper and did not need to write down where the resource from. They looked like the idea from my mind, but it is not true. I just copy others' ideas and use them in my own paper.
Then we use the Wikipedia to find the definition for the plagiarism. We got lots of different meanings for it and we chose the definition which is mostly closed to the ideal definition in our minds. We wanted to show the importance of making credits for the information from others. And the plagiarism would make our work unreal or dishonest.
Gong searched for where we should notice to make the credits for the information.  And i searched some ways that we can avoid the plagiarism. When i searched that,  i got something from the experience of my last semester and i also told this idea to Gong. Last semester was my first semester, and i still had not been used to make the credits for the information from internet. At the final paper of my culture class.  i used the information which i got from the internet and finally did not get a good score for it.  I got confused and asked the professor for the reason. He told me about i should make the credits for the information from others. It was my first time to know about this. Gong also told me about his experience and seemed the same as mine.
Then we talked about the ways to avoid plagiarism and chose the most effective and helpful ways. We compared the different ways and make ourselves into each condition.
Finally, we decided the parts for each person. I would do the introduction and the explanation and Gong would do the recommendation of the different ways and the conclusion . We knew that there are lots of international students in out class and they should know more about the rules of school works and something should be avoided. We hope our presentation can help the other classmates to get some new information.

                                                                                                                       Yihao Sun 
                                                                                   with my group mate Gong Hua

Monday, September 17, 2012


                                                                                                                     Yihao Sun , Hua Gong

    Before you write paper, you should understand what the plagiarism is. Plagiarism, broadly defined, encompasses presenting other people’s ideas as your own without clearly giving them credit.
Any part of a text you directly quote in your paper. You need to put any and every word that belongs to someone else that you copied from their text in quotation marks (with the exception of words like ‘and’ or ‘the’).

Any part of a text you paraphrase.

Any part of a text you summarize.

Any person’s original thoughts, opinions, or ideas.

Any facts, statistics, graphs or information that is not ‘common knowledge
As we know, plagiarism is not a good thing for us, everyone knows that. Usually, we do a good reference to avoid copy others idea or sentences.Now, I want to introduce some suggestions to avoid committing plagiarism happen.
Firstly, you need to plan ahead. Students always did not plan ahead when they started writing and they just want to finish the task as soon as possible. Start researching your topic right away and think about how to organize your information from sources. You need to think what kind of ways you want to do reference and how to make the essay more original and individual. By understanding the subject, you are more likely to write in your own words, rather than restate someone else's definition of this subject.

Secondly, become informed also is a good way to avoid plagiarism. When you find out what style of documentation you should use by asking your professor or checking your class syllabus. Such as MLA or APA styles are common documentation styles. You can find many resources from Internet, you can know what information have posted already and avoid plagiarism. Otherwise, you can go to the write place in St. Cloud state university or library to get suggestions and advices to check whether you are plagiarizing or not.

Thirdly, you can choose quoted or paraphrased from other sources. .Quoted means present what did author talked about. If you use a direct quote from another author's work, then you should quote it and cite it properly.You need to tell readers who said this and you need to write all the details.Paraphrased means transfer others words to your own words. If you paraphrase something from another source, make sure you use all of your own words.You need not to write all details, you just need to write mean ideas. Never just change a few words in the sentence to make it look a little different. If you want to explain exactly where the information come from, cite it and tell readers the author’s name, the article name and which page and which paragraph you got it. Besides, if you got information from website you could also write the publish year and underline the website.
Lastly, note taking also is a good way to avoid plagiarism. When you write entire article, you can take notes and summarize it in your own words. When you take notes, you could distinguish what ways you could do reference. 

To have a good writing work,  we should avoid plagiarism and make others understand your article well. If you can not make sure if your work have plagiarism in it, you can go to some website and type you article to check it. A good work do not have any plagiarism!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Presentation Topic

My presentation topic is avoiding plagiarism
Plagiarism can occur in many forms besides writing: art, music, computer code, mathematics, and scientific work can also be plagiarized. This document pays special attention to plagiarism in writing, but it is important to understand that unauthorized collaboration in a math or science assignment is also plagiarism.
In all academic work, and especially when writing papers, we are building upon the insights and words of others. A conscientious writer always distinguishes clearly between what has been learned from others and what he or she is personally contributing to the reader's understanding. To avoid plagiarism, it is important to understand how to attribute words and ideas you use to their proper source.
Everyone in the university needs to pay attention to the issue of proper attribution. All of us--faculty and students together--draw from a vast pool of texts, ideas, and findings that humans have accumulated over thousands of years; we could not think to any productive end without it. Even the sudden insights that appear at first glance to arrive out of nowhere come enmeshed in other people's thinking. What we call originality is actually the innovative combining, amending, or extending of material from that pool.
Hence each of us must learn how to declare intellectual debts. Proper attribution acknowledges those debts responsibly, usefully, and respectfully. An attribution is responsible when it comes at a location and in a fashion that leaves readers in no doubt about whom you are thanking for what. It is useful when it enables readers to find your source readily for themselves. You help them along the way, just as that same source helped you along yours. To make sure that our attributions are useful, we double-check them whenever we can. Quite literally, it is a habit that pays. Colleagues in every field appreciate the extra care. Nothing stalls a career faster than sloppy, unreliable work.
Finally, an attribution is respectful when it expresses our appreciation for something done well enough to warrant our borrowing it. We should take pride in the intellectual company we keep. It speaks well of us that we have chosen to use the work of intelligent, interesting people, and we can take genuine pleasure in joining our name with theirs.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Story of 12 things

Thousand years ago, an Indian girl she loved special things, she lived in a little house in a village far away from the downtown of the city with her mother. When she was a child, she always dreamed at night and there were always a lot of things strange in her dream. After she waked up, she loves to writer down the stories happened in her dream on the some paper and put them in the little glass bottle. Her house was near the great sea. She always went there with her mother and drove a boat to some places to catch fishes and then she threw her bottles into the sea. Some day she went to the downtown of the city to buy some vegetables for dinner. She bought some chestnuts for her mother. She walked around the market and in a small corner an old woman asked her to have a look at her goods. There was a special carpet which looked like something appeared in the girl’s dream. Girl loved it and bought it home and the old woman told her the carpet could help her make the dream come true. Then she came back home, she wanted to cut the carpet to make a new cloth, she found the ruler and the big fastener. When she almost cut it, the carpet flew up from the ground. The girl was so amazed and could not believe it. She sat on the carpet and it drove her into the sky and moved fast.  They flew to anther new place called China. She met a Chinese boy. They chatted with each other about their own culture. The boy loved to collect some traditional things. The boy showed her a collection of former coins and a stamp. When the girl left there, the boy gave her a special wallet as a gift. They made a promise that they would meet each other after a year. When the girl came home and told these experience to her mother. They all thought it is the gift from the god.