Sunday, December 16, 2012

Final research: Racism, ethnic and immigration in the United States

Yihao Sun
English 191

  After I come to the United States, I know that the racism, ethnic and immigration are large issues in the United States. Due to the history of the United States, there are lots of different races of people like Indians, the locals sometimes have the conflict with people from other places. And also about the ethnics, the blacks and whites, the issues appear always. Because the United States is the most developed countries in the world and the large chance to develop a person, more and more immigration come to the United States from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the central America. I want to talk about these topics and find more information from the internet and the books to fulfill the lost knowledge of this part and they will help me know this society better and join them better.

   Racism is a problem of all mankind, but also affects a developing country’s national development. It is also a key factor in social stability. Colonialism is the cause of the inequality and an important reason for the situation. Colonialism and racism have a link that can not be separated.
  Racism is formed in the early human in physical form to have on the genetic characteristics of some common signs of a community of people. Usually we divide  skin color and other physical characteristics or difference of race. By race, there is a problem, usually between blacks and whites into two kinds of inequalities.

  Colonialism is always discrimination, extinction of different ethnic colonization.
  Today in America, the racial discrimination is everywhere, the racial conflict often happen, the black people are treated as slaves by white people, they often have the lowest salary, insurance and many unfair treatment. Nowadays, the racial discrimination isn’t just between the white and the black, many other races in American are discriminated by the local people and they don’t have right to protect themselves. The mind of racial discrimination exist in many white people’s minds. They always treat the black people as slaves or think them as criminals.  The essence of the problem is that the competition between the race and other race, it is like the regional protectionism. Obama ,the first black president in the history of United States ,said that  ‘of course, the answer to the slavery question was already embedded within our Constitution – a Constitution that had at is very core the ideal of equal citizenship under the law; a Constitution that promised its people liberty, and justice, and a union that could be and should be perfected over time’. Martin Luther King said that ‘I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed - we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers’.
   In a video I see that almost every child chooses the white toy as their favorite. The sense of difference between different skin color, white is beautiful black is ugly, is formed when they were children. We can not stop them to think about the race, the color but we should lead them to know that the black is not ugly black is also beautiful.
   I think any race, regardless of the number of people , how about the cultural composition, degree of social development level, should not differ from other races and they should be treated equally.
To talk about the immigration, I want to first have a research about the effect from the immigration.
    1. The migration brings more and more Latinos into America. The Latinos population grows fastest. Latinos constitute 16.3% of the total United States population, or 50.5 million people forming the second largest ethnic group. The lager population contributes to the political power. And because of their large population, they want more Latinos to participate in the government and have more political power to make political status has improved significantly.
Due to the historical factor, in the era of racial discrimination, the Americans see them as people of color and Latinos are the part which under the racial discrimination. Some of it still remains. It limits the political power of Latinos. Another factor that limits their political power is the economy of the Latinos. Low wealth is characteristic of Latinos households. Poverty rate of the Latinos is very high. And the youth can not get enough education. These factors all affect the political status of Latinos.
    2. When Asian Americans came to America in the past, they choose to make themselves become into the local Americans. They do not use their first language and do not keep the tradition. Also they change their historical and cultural values. They want to do all things just like an American. But finally they found that they still could not participate in the American society. Most Americans still look down on the Asians because of many reasons. For example, in the Second World War, the Japanese attacked the Pearl Harbor. As Yuji Ichioka said, although Asian Americans dress them like Americans, do the same thing, speak the same words, copy them in all aspects. It is just a fake, a dream and never come true.
After this, the majority of Asian Americans persist in looking at their own social status and identity in the United States property and then advocate to give up the pursuit of mainstream American culture, to establish the true status of Asian American culture in American society. It was the first show put on the broad social and political stage of America by Asian American activism after a silent period of over 100 years. The activism inspired awareness of political participation. The sense of Asian Americans strengthened them to develop their own community.
     3.  Migration, the new races coming
There are 40 million foreign-born populations in the United States, most of them from Central American countries, followed by Asian countries, about one fifth of students in American schools have a foreign-born parent. One fifth of Americans do not use the English at home.
    The migration brings the different culture from all over the world. It impacts the local American culture and mix with it. For example, after the Chinese came to the United States, many cities have their own Chinatown. Some Americans like the traditional Chinese culture, and celebrate the Chinese festival with local Chinese Americans. When the migration comes, also different races of people come to the United States. The conflict appears between the different races. The best example is the racial discrimination between the whites and blacks. The superiority of the American makes some whites look down on the blacks and do not show any respect. And it causes many activisms that the victims want to protect their own rights. One of the most famous people is Martin Luther King.
    Here is my comparison that I choose the example of the immigration of Cubans and Mexicans.
    Cubans and Mexicans are the largest immigrant groups in the United States. Due to the different culture and history, it led to the different situations they encounter in the United States. They have a lot of the same point in time and process of the immigrants. But the immigrants themselves and the concept has a lot of difference.
    Cubans who immigrated to the United States has a long history, and prompting them to leave Cuba is usually due to political reasons. Starting from the first half of the nineteenth century, the Cubans came to the United States in order to seek political stability and economic development, especially the economic problems of Cuba twice the War of Independence and the beginning of the twentieth century, the government's radical regime change, so that a large number of Cubans to leave their homes, out migration, Cuba entered the United States the number of people tends to go up, to become the largest U.S. ethnic groups of one, the first large-scale to the U.S. asylum, Cuban immigrants in the decades of war, the war many of Cuba's high society officials of the U.S. falter, and then in the late 1920s, Cuba in the attacks of the world economic crisis, the Government's rule, social unrest during this period, many Cuban businessman emigrated to the United States to seek protection and development of Cuban immigrants to the characteristics of the United States mostly upper class people, long duration, the total number of small.
    Given the closeness of Cuba to the United States—both geographical and, before the 1959 revolution, economic—it is no surprise that there has always been movement of people between the countries. The 1910 census showed that there were officially 15,133 Cubans living in the United States, and a report on immigration to Congress at the time included data on 44,211 Cubans. In 1959, an estimated 124,000 Cubans were living in the United States. In the early years of the revolutionary government, an additional 215,000 moved here, and now the Cuban community is well over a million. As we mentioned above, the center of that community is in Miami, but there are sizable communities in other cities in Florida and in New YorkIllinois, and California as well.
    The existence and size of the Cuban community in the United States is a result of both "push" and "pull" factors. The revolutionary government's inflexible attitude toward dissent, and its imperviousness to demands that dissenters make, probably constitute the greatest push factors: Cubans who are unhappy have had no reason to believe that they can effect changes in their lives. Another strong push factor for the recent wave of newcomers is the economic situation and scarcity of crucially necessary goods like medicine.
     The "pull" factor has been the United States' policy with regard to Cuban emigres, which has effectively been, until recently, an unqualified welcome for both documented (Cubans entering the United States through normal immigration procedures, including legal departure from Cuba) and undocumented (Cubans arriving in the United States without immigrant visas, who have usually left Cuba illegally). Until 1985, there was no quota for Cubans entering the United States via normal immigration procedures, as there was for other immigrant groups. Cuban undocumented entrants have always had special status: While entrants from other countries have been required to demonstrate that they were fleeing political persecution to be granted refugee status, it was officially assumed that anyone arriving in the United States from Cuba was a bona fide refugee and therefore had automatic access to the special benefits that refugees are entitled to. Cuban entrants have had other special privileges as well; since 1966, for example, the Attorney General has had discretionary power to guarantee permanent residency to any Cuban who has been in the United States for a year, including those on visitor's visas who have overstayed the period delineated in their visas.
There have been, since the revolution, three basic waves of Cubans coming to the United States. These groups tend to differ from one another in their opinions and values and have different acculturation experiences, depending partly on when and why they emigrated from Cuba, and partly on their reception in the U.S.
“Even immigration scholars have frequently labeled Mexicans as part of a ‘new immigrant’ grouping in comparison to Europeans such as the Irish and Germans,” which he claims to be a widely held misconception. Mexicans have been immigrating to the United States for more than a century in response to US labor demands and have been citizens of the United States in the Southwestern states since the Mexican-American war in the mid 1800s. 30 years of this century the first wave of immigrants from Mexico, suddenly ended with the coming of the 1930s Great Depression. The United States there are a large number of unemployed Americans want to get rid of the desire of Mexican immigrants, but also lead to large-scale forcible repatriation. Mexicans have been on welfare to survive, partly because before the Great Depression of the 1920s the agricultural recession, while the vast majority of Mexicans is precisely engaged in agricultural production. In 1925, for example, in the city of RiversideCalifornia, 90 percent of the welfare budget is spent on the Mexican body. Other cities in California and the city, many Mexican peasants and workers often apply for relief after the planting season. High crime rates and high incidence of the Mexicans, also increased public resentment. A large number of poor Americans from Oklahoma "dust" with move out, but also enhances the desire to drive away foreign labor, because there are so many Americans can not find a job. Organized to fight for the repatriation of Mexicans movement began in the 1930s, have been found, returning them to Mexico freight is not low relief week's overhead. Mexicans of those who apply for relief more than was told to go to a certain department, in fact the department homeopathic put them back home. Sometimes they had detained the relief funds, "Automatic" to leave the United States unless it agrees to accept relief. These coercion or inducement, tens of thousands of Mexicans who did not have a formal hearing were repatriated. A large number of immigrants have been repatriated, even including many people with U.S. citizenship.
     Mexicans and illegal immigration is a major source of Mexican immigrant groups subjected to social exclusion and discrimination, the color of their skin to locate groups of people of color, with clan discrimination in American society, the status of people of color constraints their position in society, but also hindered their acceptance in American society, they are engaged in occupations in which they live in the bottom of society, such discrimination, Mexican immigrants is difficult to be successful like Cuban immigrants in the political and economic, compared to Mexican immigrants, Cuban immigrants a strong national consciousness and political participation, awareness of ethnic groups, they share the values ​​and cultural traditions of American society, the positioning of the U.S. government of Cuban immigrants gave the Cuban immigrants success and national identity in the United States provide a relaxed environment.
The Mexican Repatriation refers to a mass migration that took place between 1929 and 1939, when as many as 500,000 people of Mexican descent were forced or pressured to leave the US. The event, carried out by American authorities, took place without due process. Some 35,000 were deported, amongst many hundreds of thousands of other immigrants who were deported during this period. The Immigration and Naturalization Service targeted Mexicans because of "the proximity of the Mexican border, the physical distinctiveness of mestizos, and easily identifiable barrios."
    The Repatriation is not widely discussed in American history textbooks; in a 2006 survey of the nine most commonly used American history textbooks in the United States, four did not mention the Repatriation, and only one devoted more than half a page to the topic. Nevertheless, many mainstream textbooks now carry this topic, while subsequently ignoring other mass deportations and repatriations of European immigrants. In total, they devoted four pages to the Repatriation, compared with eighteen pages for the Japanese American internment which affected only one-tenth as many people.
These actions were authorized by President Herbert Hoover and targeted areas with large Hispanic populations, mostly in CaliforniaTexasColoradoIllinois and Michigan.
    In conclusion, the United States combine all the different kinds of people, we need to learn more information about the others, the culture, the history, the life styles. To build a bridge between different racism, ethnic and immigration from different areas is the goal for all human beings.

Ethnic conflic, last modified on 3 October 2012, Wikipedia,
Allen, Tim, and Jean Seaton, eds. 1999. The Media of Conflict: War Reporting and Representations of Ethnic Violence. London, Zed Book
Bonacich, Edna. 1973. A Theory of Middleman Minorities.  American Sociological
Review 38(3):583–594.
Immigration to the United States,last modified on 20 November 2012, Wikipedia,
Hispanic immigration to US has peaked, Asian immigration is rising, Hope Yen, Associated Press, December 6,2012,
Smith, Michael G. 1969. Institutional and Political Conditions of Pluralism. In Pluralism in Africa, ed. Leo Kuper and Michael G. Smith, 27–66. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Kaldor, Mary. 1999.  New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Racism in America: Poll finds rise in prejudice since 2008, Sonya Ross and Jennifer Agiesta, The Associated Press, 8 October 2012,

Monday, December 10, 2012

Final Research draft : Racism, ethnic and immigration in the United States

Yihao Sun
English 191

  After I come to the United States, I know that the racism, ethnic and immigration are large issues in the United States. Due to the history of the United States, there are lots of different races of people like Indians, the locals sometimes have the conflict with people from other places. And also about the ethnics, the blacks and whites, the issues appear always. Because the United States is the most developed countries in the world and the large chance to develop a person, more and more immigration come to the United States from Europe, Asia, Africa, and the central America. I want to talk about these topics and find more information from the internet and the books to fulfill the lost knowledge of this part and they will help me know this society better and join them better.

   Racism is a problem of all mankind, but also affects a developing country’s national development. It is also a key factor in social stability. Colonialism is the cause of the inequality and an important reason for the situation. Colonialism and racism have a link that can not be separated.
  Racism is formed in the early human in physical form to have on the genetic characteristics of some common signs of a community of people. Usually we divide  skin color and other physical characteristics or difference of race. By race, there is a problem, usually between blacks and whites into two kinds of inequalities.

  Colonialism is always discrimination, extinction of different ethnic colonization.
  Today in America, the racial discrimination is everywhere, the racial conflict often happen, the black people are treated as slaves by white people, they often have the lowest salary, insurance and many unfair treatment. Nowadays, the racial discrimination isn’t just between the white and the black, many other races in American are discriminated by the local people and they don’t have right to protect themselves. The mind of racial discrimination exist in many white people’s minds. They always treat the black people as slaves or think them as criminals.  The essence of the problem is that the competition between the race and other race, it is like the regional protectionism. Obama ,the first black president in the history of United States ,said that  ‘of course, the answer to the slavery question was already embedded within our Constitution – a Constitution that had at is very core the ideal of equal citizenship under the law; a Constitution that promised its people liberty, and justice, and a union that could be and should be perfected over time’. Martin Luther King said that ‘I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed - we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. I have a dream that one day down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers’.
   In a video I see that almost every child chooses the white toy as their favorite. The sense of difference between different skin color, white is beautiful black is ugly, is formed when they were children. We can not stop them to think about the race, the color but we should lead them to know that the black is not ugly black is also beautiful.
   I think any race, regardless of the number of people , how about the cultural composition, degree of social development level, should not differ from other races and they should be treated equally.
To talk about the immigration, I want to first have a research about the effect from the immigration.
    1. The migration brings more and more Latinos into America. The Latinos population grows fastest. Latinos constitute 16.3% of the total United States population, or 50.5 million people forming the second largest ethnic group. The lager population contributes to the political power. And because of their large population, they want more Latinos to participate in the government and have more political power to make political status has improved significantly.
Due to the historical factor, in the era of racial discrimination, the Americans see them as people of color and Latinos are the part which under the racial discrimination. Some of it still remains. It limits the political power of Latinos. Another factor that limits their political power is the economy of the Latinos. Low wealth is characteristic of Latinos households. Poverty rate of the Latinos is very high. And the youth can not get enough education. These factors all affect the political status of Latinos.
    2. When Asian Americans came to America in the past, they choose to make themselves become into the local Americans. They do not use their first language and do not keep the tradition. Also they change their historical and cultural values. They want to do all things just like an American. But finally they found that they still could not participate in the American society. Most Americans still look down on the Asians because of many reasons. For example, in the Second World War, the Japanese attacked the Pearl Harbor. As Yuji Ichioka said, although Asian Americans dress them like Americans, do the same thing, speak the same words, copy them in all aspects. It is just a fake, a dream and never come true.
After this, the majority of Asian Americans persist in looking at their own social status and identity in the United States property and then advocate to give up the pursuit of mainstream American culture, to establish the true status of Asian American culture in American society. It was the first show put on the broad social and political stage of America by Asian American activism after a silent period of over 100 years. The activism inspired awareness of political participation. The sense of Asian Americans strengthened them to develop their own community.
     3.  Migration, the new races coming
There are 40 million foreign-born populations in the United States, most of them from Central American countries, followed by Asian countries, about one fifth of students in American schools have a foreign-born parent. One fifth of Americans do not use the English at home.
    The migration brings the different culture from all over the world. It impacts the local American culture and mix with it. For example, after the Chinese came to the United States, many cities have their own Chinatown. Some Americans like the traditional Chinese culture, and celebrate the Chinese festival with local Chinese Americans. When the migration comes, also different races of people come to the United States. The conflict appears between the different races. The best example is the racial discrimination between the whites and blacks. The superiority of the American makes some whites look down on the blacks and do not show any respect. And it causes many activisms that the victims want to protect their own rights. One of the most famous people is Martin Luther King.
    Here is my comparison that I choose the example of the immigration of Cubans and Mexicans.
    Cubans and Mexicans are the largest immigrant groups in the United States. Due to the different culture and history, it led to the different situations they encounter in the United States. They have a lot of the same point in time and process of the immigrants. But the immigrants themselves and the concept has a lot of difference.
    Cubans who immigrated to the United States has a long history, and prompting them to leave Cuba is usually due to political reasons. Starting from the first half of the nineteenth century, the Cubans came to the United States in order to seek political stability and economic development, especially the economic problems of Cuba twice the War of Independence and the beginning of the twentieth century, the government's radical regime change, so that a large number of Cubans to leave their homes, out migration, Cuba entered the United States the number of people tends to go up, to become the largest U.S. ethnic groups of one, the first large-scale to the U.S. asylum, Cuban immigrants in the decades of war, the war many of Cuba's high society officials of the U.S. falter, and then in the late 1920s, Cuba in the attacks of the world economic crisis, the Government's rule, social unrest during this period, many Cuban businessman emigrated to the United States to seek protection and development of Cuban immigrants to the characteristics of the United States mostly upper class people, long duration, the total number of small.
    Given the closeness of Cuba to the United States—both geographical and, before the 1959 revolution, economic—it is no surprise that there has always been movement of people between the countries. The 1910 census showed that there were officially 15,133 Cubans living in the United States, and a report on immigration to Congress at the time included data on 44,211 Cubans. In 1959, an estimated 124,000 Cubans were living in the United States. In the early years of the revolutionary government, an additional 215,000 moved here, and now the Cuban community is well over a million. As we mentioned above, the center of that community is in Miami, but there are sizable communities in other cities in Florida and in New York, Illinois, and California as well.
    The existence and size of the Cuban community in the United States is a result of both "push" and "pull" factors. The revolutionary government's inflexible attitude toward dissent, and its imperviousness to demands that dissenters make, probably constitute the greatest push factors: Cubans who are unhappy have had no reason to believe that they can effect changes in their lives. Another strong push factor for the recent wave of newcomers is the economic situation and scarcity of crucially necessary goods like medicine.
     The "pull" factor has been the United States' policy with regard to Cuban emigres, which has effectively been, until recently, an unqualified welcome for both documented (Cubans entering the United States through normal immigration procedures, including legal departure from Cuba) and undocumented (Cubans arriving in the United States without immigrant visas, who have usually left Cuba illegally). Until 1985, there was no quota for Cubans entering the United States via normal immigration procedures, as there was for other immigrant groups. Cuban undocumented entrants have always had special status: While entrants from other countries have been required to demonstrate that they were fleeing political persecution to be granted refugee status, it was officially assumed that anyone arriving in the United States from Cuba was a bona fide refugee and therefore had automatic access to the special benefits that refugees are entitled to. Cuban entrants have had other special privileges as well; since 1966, for example, the Attorney General has had discretionary power to guarantee permanent residency to any Cuban who has been in the United States for a year, including those on visitor's visas who have overstayed the period delineated in their visas.
There have been, since the revolution, three basic waves of Cubans coming to the United States. These groups tend to differ from one another in their opinions and values and have different acculturation experiences, depending partly on when and why they emigrated from Cuba, and partly on their reception in the U.S.
“Even immigration scholars have frequently labeled Mexicans as part of a ‘new immigrant’ grouping in comparison to Europeans such as the Irish and Germans,” which he claims to be a widely held misconception. Mexicans have been immigrating to the United States for more than a century in response to US labor demands and have been citizens of the United States in the Southwestern states since the Mexican-American war in the mid 1800s. 30 years of this century the first wave of immigrants from Mexico, suddenly ended with the coming of the 1930s Great Depression. The United States there are a large number of unemployed Americans want to get rid of the desire of Mexican immigrants, but also lead to large-scale forcible repatriation. Mexicans have been on welfare to survive, partly because before the Great Depression of the 1920s the agricultural recession, while the vast majority of Mexicans is precisely engaged in agricultural production. In 1925, for example, in the city of Riverside, California, 90 percent of the welfare budget is spent on the Mexican body. Other cities in California and the city, many Mexican peasants and workers often apply for relief after the planting season. High crime rates and high incidence of the Mexicans, also increased public resentment. A large number of poor Americans from Oklahoma "dust" with move out, but also enhances the desire to drive away foreign labor, because there are so many Americans can not find a job. Organized to fight for the repatriation of Mexicans movement began in the 1930s, have been found, returning them to Mexico freight is not low relief week's overhead. Mexicans of those who apply for relief more than was told to go to a certain department, in fact the department homeopathic put them back home. Sometimes they had detained the relief funds, "Automatic" to leave the United States unless it agrees to accept relief. These coercion or inducement, tens of thousands of Mexicans who did not have a formal hearing were repatriated. A large number of immigrants have been repatriated, even including many people with U.S. citizenship.
     Mexicans and illegal immigration is a major source of Mexican immigrant groups subjected to social exclusion and discrimination, the color of their skin to locate groups of people of color, with clan discrimination in American society, the status of people of color constraints their position in society, but also hindered their acceptance in American society, they are engaged in occupations in which they live in the bottom of society, such discrimination, Mexican immigrants is difficult to be successful like Cuban immigrants in the political and economic, compared to Mexican immigrants, Cuban immigrants a strong national consciousness and political participation, awareness of ethnic groups, they share the values ​​and cultural traditions of American society, the positioning of the U.S. government of Cuban immigrants gave the Cuban immigrants success and national identity in the United States provide a relaxed environment.
The Mexican Repatriation refers to a mass migration that took place between 1929 and 1939, when as many as 500,000 people of Mexican descent were forced or pressured to leave the US. The event, carried out by American authorities, took place without due process. Some 35,000 were deported, amongst many hundreds of thousands of other immigrants who were deported during this period. The Immigration and Naturalization Service targeted Mexicans because of "the proximity of the Mexican border, the physical distinctiveness of mestizos, and easily identifiable barrios."
    The Repatriation is not widely discussed in American history textbooks; in a 2006 survey of the nine most commonly used American history textbooks in the United States, four did not mention the Repatriation, and only one devoted more than half a page to the topic. Nevertheless, many mainstream textbooks now carry this topic, while subsequently ignoring other mass deportations and repatriations of European immigrants. In total, they devoted four pages to the Repatriation, compared with eighteen pages for the Japanese American internment which affected only one-tenth as many people.
These actions were authorized by President Herbert Hoover and targeted areas with large Hispanic populations, mostly in California, Texas, Colorado, Illinois and Michigan.
    In conclusion, the United States combine all the different kinds of people, we need to learn more information about the others, the culture, the history, the life styles. To build a bridge between different racism, ethnic and immigration from different areas is the goal for all human beings.

Ethnic conflic, last modified on 3 October 2012, Wikipedia,
Allen, Tim, and Jean Seaton, eds. 1999. The Media of Conflict: War Reporting and Representations of Ethnic Violence. London, Zed Book
Bonacich, Edna. 1973. A Theory of Middleman Minorities.  American Sociological
Review 38(3):583–594.
Immigration to the United States,last modified on 20 November 2012, Wikipedia,
Hispanic immigration to US has peaked, Asian immigration is rising, Hope Yen, Associated Press, December 6,2012,
Smith, Michael G. 1969. Institutional and Political Conditions of Pluralism. In Pluralism in Africa, ed. Leo Kuper and Michael G. Smith, 27–66. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Kaldor, Mary. 1999.  New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Racism in America: Poll finds rise in prejudice since 2008, Sonya Ross and Jennifer Agiesta, The Associated Press, 8 October 2012,

Monday, November 26, 2012

Final paper outline

1. i want to talk some racism, ethnic and immigration issues that i saw in the TV or on the internet.

2. The first view of the racism, ethnic and immigration in the United States, the condition of these issues and the importance to know these information.

3. To compare the racism, ethnic and the immigration from different areas, find the reason and the result that these issues cause.

4. Have a research of these issue and the opinions from the different people to find the right way to figure out the advantages and disadvantages.
5. the conclusion.
Why i choose this topic. because this is my first time to come to the United States. and in my home country China, we seldom meet these issues. The ethnic is all yellows and we do not have large numbers of immigration. So the issues here in the United States are also knowledge that i need to learn. To learn the history and the culture about them will help me build good relationships with the people around me and show respect to them.

Final paper topic

My final paper topic is about the racism, ethnic and immigration in the United States.

I choose this topic because i am an international student from China, i do not know a lot about the racism, ethnic and immigration issues in the United States when i first come here. The history and culture of them are very important for me to learn more about these people in the United States and have a good relationship with them.
So i want to have a research of it and i can get some information from the ethnic class that i have taken.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

the third interview

1My preparations
For my first interview, I choose one from Asian countries. I choose one Africa country for my third interview. Based on my previous interview experience, I used my checklist which is very helpful. It helps me not to forget things that I need. I removed one question about religions from my list before I interviewed, because I know Saudi Arabian people have very high sensitivity for this topic. I searched backgrounds on google for my interview preparation.
How did you approach people.
I take the esl class last semester. There are many Saudi Arabian students who study there. I contacted one of my writing classmates on facebook to help me do my interview project. He agreed to help me and set up a time.
 When, where, and how did you conduct and record the interview?
I met him at coffee shop in miller center
 Whom did you interview?
His name is Abdullah.B. He comes from Saudi Arabia. He is a freshman and studies in the information system major.
2. Describe the interview. What did surprise you? How did the interview unfold?
I am not familler with their culture. At first, I just asked him one by one from that thirteen basic questions. he was willing to answer my questions. So we did a very well interview. I notice that in saudi arabian womem is very traditional. They wear long and fat clothings to cover their body and face. Also, women are not allowed to drive car. They couple can’t see each other before they marry.the educational struture is petty much like china and american. 
3Country report
The kingdom of saudi arabia. The government type is Monarchy with Council of Ministers and Consultati(or Shura) Council. 

Saudi Arabia has centuries-old attitudes and traditions, often derived from Arab tribal civilization. This culture has been bolstered by the austerely puritanical Wahhabiform of Islam, which arose in the eighteenth century and now predominates in the country. The many limitations on behaviour and dress are strictly enforced both legally and socially. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited, for example, and there is no theatre or public exhibition of films. Public expression of opinion about domestic political or social matters is discouraged. There are no organizations such as political parties or labour unions to provide public forums.
Daily life is dominated by Islamic observance. Five times each day, Muslims are called to prayer from the minarets of mosques scattered throughout the country. Because Friday is the holiest day for Muslims, the weekend begins on Thursday In accordance with Wahhabi doctrine, only two religious holidays are publicly recognized, Īd al-Fiṭr and Īd al-Aḍḥā. Celebration of other Islamic holidays, such as the Prophet’s birthday and Āshūrā (an important holiday for Shīites), are tolerated only when celebrated locally and on a small scale. Public observance of non-Islamic religious holidays is prohibited, with the exception of September 23, which commemorates the unification of the kingdom.
Saudi Arabian dress strictly follows the principles of hijab (the Islamic principle of modesty, especially in dress). The predominantly loose and flowing, but covering, garments are suited to Saudi Arabia's desert climate. Traditionally, men usually wear an ankle length shirt woven from wool or cotton (known as a thawb), with a keffiyeh (a large checkered square of cotton held in place by a cord coil) or a ghutra (a plain white square made of finer cotton, also held in place by a cord coil) worn on the head. For rare chilly days, Saudi men wear a camel-hair cloak over the top. Women's clothes are decorated with tribal motifs, coins, sequins, metallic thread, and appliques. Women are required to wear an abaya or modest clothing when in public

4. Interview transcription
Me :Hello, thanks for coming my interview. Long time no see, how are you?
A: Hi, I am fine. How is going so far?
Me: It is good but there are many projects I have to do. Such as this interview is for my English 191 class. I need to interview and compare three people form different country. But I enjoy to interview students.
A: That’s nice because you can learn lot of things.
Me: yeah,you are right. Are you ready for answer all my questions?
A: yes. Go ahead.
Me:you comes form saudia, What are the typical greetings in your country and what do they mean?
A:In Saudi, men often greet each other with kisses, but Saudi men usually just shake hands with foreign men unless they are close friends.
Me: I heard that in saudi. Men and women have an difference relationship with other country. Is that true?
A: Because of the strict segregation of the sexes, there is very little communication between men and women in public. Other forigin country people should aviod to get close to opposite sex.
Me: that’s culture. I saw that many saudia women wearing very long clothing, is that stand for something?
A: yes, it is a traditional custom to wear long clothings.
Me: What religious holidays or other cultural events do you or others celebrate; can you explain your traditions for each?
A: Um, our religion is Muslim.Muslims have two major religious observances each year, Ramadan and Hajj, and corresponding holidays connected with each one.
Me: What different modes of transportation are used in your country? 
A: like most of country, car is most common transportations. Everyfamily have their own car. Bus and fight also are used.
Me: it looks the same as other country. Which country`s food do you like the most?
A there is no doubt that I like saudia food the most. But sometimes I will try chinese food. It taste very good.
Me: Do you see any difference between chinese food and saudi food?
A: I think chinese food is made by very complicated ingrents. And saudia food is very simple.
Me:that is true. So How would you describe famous sports in your country
A: for me, I would like to watch football. Eventhough our country is not good at it.
Me: You often play football with your friends in here?
A: hehe. I hope but I can’t find playyard in here.
Me: can you describe a typical day for children in your country?
A: you mean students?
Me: yes.
A: oh. They go to school from Monday to Friday every week. And class begins at 8am. After class they may go back home to do their homework.
Me: so what age did you start school?
MeYou went to elementary school at 6?
A: Yean. I went to kindergarten at 4 years old.
Me: are you under a lot of pressure when you go to school?
before i went to school, my mom teacher teach me some basic knowlege. so I am not feel any stress.
Me: That is cool.
Me:  What could SCSU do to make your stay on campus better?
A: you know, becasue saudia people still wearing our triditional clothings. when we walk outside, some peole may thinks our very strange. if our school can provide us more stage to propaganda our culture. i think it will make us happy.
Me: That's a good idea. you and me are international students. we come here, most students are america. sometimes. they may misunderstand us.
A: yes. the other things is that i want our school provide more different food for us.
Me; that what i think.
A: School life is tough sometimes. thanks we have friends.
Me: yes. are you go back home we are done our interview?
A:oh, i will go to city with my friends.
Me: then, thank you for you time to come here. have a good day.
A: you are welcome. you too.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Second interview

Interview preparation
My second interview is about the United States. The country which I am now studYihaohaong in is the most developed country in the world. And a lot of things in the United States interest me like the PC games and the NBA. I want to know more about this country, not only about these things which I am interested in but also a lot of things in other aspects to help me join this United States’ family. So I invite my friend Cody to have an interview, he is also interested in the sports in his country.

Interview report
The interview went so well because we have the same hobbies and it was very relaxed during the interview. Cody is my best American friend, we met each other in the Ethnic class and when we chatted in the break time, we found we have same hobbies so we were enjoYihaohaong the time we chatted with each other.

Country report
The United States is the fourth largest country in the world at the size of 3.79 million square miles. The capital city of the United States is Washington DC. And this country lies between the pacific and Atlantic Oceans. To the north of it is Canada and to the south of it is Mexico. There are over 314 million people in the United States. The United States is one of the most developed countries in the world. The World War 1 confirmed the country’s status as a global military power. The United States emerged from the World War 2 as the first country with nuclear weapons and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union left the United States as the sole superpower. The US economy is the world’s largest national economy, with an estimated 2011 GDP of 15.1trillion USD (22% of nominal global GDP and over 19% of global GDP at purchasing-power parity).

Yihao: OK, let's start our interview and thanks for your coming Cody and this is my first question, Where are you from?
Cody: I was born in United StatesMinnesota, Duluth.
Yihao: How to spell the city?
Cody: D-U-L-U-T-H. It’s kind of in the north of Minnesota.
Yihao: So you are living on campus now?
Cody: Yes.
Yihao: What kind of government is in charge of your home country, how did it affect your life and you know in China, the government take charge of almost everything.
Cody: Do you know democracy in America?
Yihao: Yep, but i just know something about it.
Cody: Ok. You know every American has their right to select president. Democracy is about freedom and the choice. You can do your own decision and no one can change it.
Yihao: Do you vote for president on the 6th Nov?
Cody: Yes, we vote for president every four years.
Yihao: At which age can you have right to make your own vote?
Cody: You should be 18.
Yihao: Ok.I think it's the same in China but in our country, only a few people pay attention to this right and how to use it. Can you describe a typical day for a child in your country?
Cody: Well. I will talk about a typical day for a six or seven child I think. They wake up about 8 a.m.. They usually eat breakfast with their parents and then parents will drive their children to school. Some of the students take school bus to go to school. Then they go for a day in school. In most of the schools, the school time is from about 9am to 3pm. Kindergarten children do not have much academic. Then they go back home and have several hours left to do other things. Usually, these children will spend lots of time with their family.
Yihao: Do you believe in any religion like Christian?
Cody: Yes.
Yihao: So are you a Christian?
Cody: Yes.
Yihao: Usually you celebrate Christmas?
Cody: Yes. We have several holidays. The main one is Christmas. We give presents to our family members and some friends. We also celebrate Easter.
Yihao: How about the gift giving?
Cody:  We give gifts to parents, friends, relatives and a lot of people. Depends how much you like them. If you do not come back to China, i will prepare one for you.
Yihao: Aha,thank you.By the way. Do you have any daily rituals in regards to your religious beliefs?
Cody: Yes, I pray every week.
Yihao: Do you read Bible?
Cody: You don’t need to read Bible every day. I probably read once a week, not every day. You don’t really have to.
Yihao: Do you go to church every Sunday?
Cody: Yes, every Sunday.
Yihao: What are the typical greetings in your culture and what do they mean?
Cody: Typical greetings are usually shaking hands. Kiss is a wired greeting. I don’t really see people doing here.
Yihao: Do you hug with people?
Cody: Not usually.
Yihao: What different modes of transportation are used in USA?
Cody: The most common mode transportation is car. That’s for sure. The next one, it’s hard to say, probably bike. It’s a popular one.
Yihao: Which country`s food do you like the most?
Cody: It’s a tough one. I think Chinese food, probably because I really like spicy food. It tastes really good. Once I took Indian food, it’s really really spicy. I think Chinese food has a good balance of spicy.
Yihao: Do you like American food?
Cody: I guess I kind of like American food but Chinese food is better. Even if I like burgers, if I take burgers every day, it doesn’t taste good. You know what I mean?
Yihao: Yes. Besides burgers and fast food, what other kinds of American food do you usually have?
Cody: Beside burgers and fast food, we have a lot of things we can cook at home like cheese, hot dogs.
Yihao: Does your family usually cook at home?
Cody: Yes, my family definitely eat at home more often than. Fast food is not good for you. A lot of people know that and it cost much.
Yihao: Ok, let's talk something about the most wonderful parts that i am interested in the United States. How would you describe famous sports in USA?
Cody: I think most famous sport is football.
Yihao: How about the basketball?
Cody: Yes, basketball is also popular. I know you love watching NBA games a lot, and you know some of the basketball stars in Minnesota are very famous like Rubio and Kevin Love. And how do you know about super bowl?
Yihao: I know it is a very large game for the football fans.
Cody: Yes, millions and millions of people watch super bowl that night. Basketball is the second. Another one could be baseball.
Yihao: What’s your favorite sport?
Cody: Umm. It’s a tough one. I think it’s football.
Yihao: Do you watch football.
Cody: Yes, I am a big fan.
Yihao: Let's talk another topic. At what age do you start school?
Cody: It kind of depends on person. Children usually start school at 6 or 7. We have pre-school for 3 and 4. You don’t need to go. For example, I skip the pre-school.
Yihao: Do you have any requirement that you must go school at which age?
Cody: No, nothing like that.
Yihao: What could SCSU do to make your stay on campus better?  
Cody: I live in my house and I just drive here when I have class. I think one thing could change may be the parking fees because they don’t really need this money to pay anything. It’s better free for parking.
Yihao: Does every teenager have to go to work when they are 16?
Cody: They don’t have to. Some parents want their children to have a job and get money but you don’t have to. For example, I am 16 and I don’t have a job.
Yihao: So, that’s it. Thank you so much.
Cody: No problem.
Yihao: Do you go home right now.
Cody: I just go to Garvey and have dinner on campus.
Yihao: Oh it's also my plan. Let's go!

Monday, October 22, 2012


the evaluation sheet
1st Gerry, Jonathon M:
 It has a full direction of the country China. And the interview interests me because some special topic and make the process interesting.
 2nd Xianping He:
Using her own experience in the United States to share them with the person she interviewed. Make the interviewee feel free to answer the question and give the information from her own to the other people.

3rd Hua Gong

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The first interview

First interview
Interview preparation:
The first of my interview is talking about Japan. Japan is one of the countries which I am most interested in. Japan is the neighbor country of my home country China. These two countries have a good relationship and communication through the former history. I love watching Japan comics a lot like Slam Dunk and One Piece. Some of the comics witness the growth of my childhood. For example the Slam Dunk makes me crazy about the basketball. Also I love the culture from Japan such as the life style and the sense of fashion. So I want to interview a friend from Japan to learn more about this country Japan.

The person I interview:
Miki is an international student from Japan. She came to the United States in the same semester as me. We have some communication before about the life in the United States and the difference between here and our home countries. I always ask her some question about her home country to compare between the sense of Japan in my mind and the “real” Japan. She is also interested in China and its ancient history.

The report of country Japan:
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of JapanChinaNorth KoreaSouth Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south. The characters that make up Japan's name mean "sun-origin", which is why Japan is sometimes referred to as the "Land of the Rising Sun".
Japan is an archipelago of 6,852 islands.
The four largest islands are HonshuHokkaidoKyushu and Shikoku, together comprising about ninety-seven percent of Japan's land area. Japan has the world's tenth-largest population, with over 127 million people. Honshū's Greater Tokyo Area, which includes the de facto capital city of Tokyo and several surrounding prefectures, is the largest metropolitan area in the world, with over 30 million residents.
Japan comics:
Slam Dunk is a sports-themed manga series written by Takehiko Inoue about a basketball team from Shōhoku High School. It was first serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump in Japan from 1990 to 1996 and had also been adapted into an anime series by Toei Animation which had been broadcast worldwide, enjoying much popularity particularly in Japan, several other Asian countries and Europe. Inoue later used basketball as a central theme in two subsequent manga titles: Buzzer Beater and Real. In 2010, Inoue received special commendations from the Japan Basketball Association for helping popularize basketball in Japan.
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One Piece:
One Piece is a Japanese shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It has been serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump since August 4, 1997; the individual chapters are being published in tankōbon volumes by Shueisha, with the first released on December 24, 1997, and the 67th volume released as of August 2012. One Piece follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a young man whose body gains the properties of rubber after inadvertently eating a devil's fruit, and his diverse crew of pirates, named the Straw Hat Pirates. Luffy explores the ocean in search of the world's ultimate treasure known as the One Piece and to become the next Pirate King. Along his journey, Luffy makes several friends and battles a wide variety of villains, many of whom try to kill the Straw Hats.
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Japan Street Fashion:
Japan began to emulate Western fashion during the middle of the 19th century. By the beginning of the 21st century, this emulation has formed street fashion, a fashion style in which the wearer customizes outfits by adopting a mixture of current and traditional trends. Such clothes are generally home-made with the use of material purchased at stores.
At present, there are many styles of dress in Japan, created from a mix of both local and foreign labels. Some of these styles are extreme and avant-garde, similar to the haute couture seen on European catwalks. The rise and fall of many of these trends has been chronicled by Shoichi Aoki since 1997 in the fashion magazine FRUiTS, which is a notable magazine for the promotion of street fashion in Japan.
More recently, Japanese hip-hop, which has long been present among underground Tokyo's club scene, has influenced the mainstream fashion industry. The popularity of the music is so influential that Tokyo's youth are imitating their favorite hip hop stars from the way they dress with over-sized clothes to tanned skin. The idea of darkening one's skin to more closely resemble an American hip-hop star or ethnic group may seem like a fad, but this subculture, the black facers, do not particularly set themselves apart from many other sub cultures that have emerged as a result of hip hop.
Compare to the street fashion in the United States like Stussy and Supreme, these brands from Japan like Mastermind Japan, Bape, Visvim, they choose the comfortable sense and the luxury in low key to make their production.

interview transcript

Blake: Hello, my name is Blake, nice to meet you.
Miki: Hi, I’m Miki, nice to meet you too.
Blake: I like your name. You look so pretty today.
Miki: Thank you.
Blake: I am very excited because I will do interview with you and it is about one of the countries which I am most interested in..
Miki: Yes, I am also very happy, because I can make friend with students from other countries and I am also very interested in the history of China.
Blake: Hah, nice, we are friends now.
Miki: Lol.
Blake: let’s start the interview.
Miki: Ok.
Blake: I think we have completed the first question.
Miki: Which question?
Blake: The question is what is your name?
Miki: Aha.
Blake: OK, Miki. I got your name. Let’s continue to the second question. Where are you from?
Miki: I’m from Tokyo, the capital of Japan.
Blake: Wow, Kimura Takuya is also from Tokyo.
Miki: Yes, I knew him in Japan.
Blake: OK, the third question is describing the education system of your country.
Miki: Let me think. Firstly, we have three semesters for each academic year. And the academic year begins at April. Except winter and summer holiday, we also have spring holiday like it is in the United States. And we are required to write entrance exam to enter into schools.
Blake: Oh, it is a little different from Chinese education system.
Miki: Yeah, I know you just have two semesters in China.
Blake: Yes. I really want to have three semesters. OK, next question, how has your culture influenced your family values?
Miki: I think it depends on whether the family is a traditional family. If the family is traditional, I think it influenced the values very much. If not, I think there is no influence.
Blake: Yeah, it is the same as in China.
Miki: I think it is the same in the world. Ok, what is the next question is?
Blake: What is the form of government in your country?
Miki: I don’t know how to describe it, but I can tell you that we have emperor, but the emperor doesn’t have real power. The real power is held by the head of Japanese government.
Blake: Yeah, I know some political information about this. Next question is one thing that makes you proud of your country.
Miki: There is no doubt that Sakura is the thing makes me proud.
Blake: Wow, I know Sakura is very beautiful; I also like it very much.
Miki: Yes, in our country, we have Cherry Blossom Festival during March and April every year. At that time, we can see much beautiful Sakura.
Blake: It must be very beautiful. Next question, what places would you recommend to tourists?
Miki: Aha, I think my hometown Tokyo is a good place. Also there are many good places to go in our country, like Nagoya and Osaka.
Blake: If I have chance, I want to travel to Japan.
Miki: Ok, welcome.
Blake: The next question, what festivals do you celebrate in your country?
Miki: We have New Year’s Day, Age Day, National Founding Day, Children’s Day, Cherry Blossom Festival and so on. Besides traditional holiday, we also celebrate Christmas.
Blake: That’s cool. We don’t have Age Day in China. Next question, what’s the weather like in your hometown?
Miki: Let me think. Firstly, we have four seasons and the average temperature of one year is during 15 to 20.
Blake: I think it is similar with China. What is a type of sport in your country?
Miki: Sumo. It is well respected in our country.
Blake: Wow, my three interviewees have the answer to this question. I really want to go to Japan to watch sumo matches.
Miki: Aha, it is worth watching.
Blake: Really? Cool. What is your favorite sport?
Miki: Tennis.
Blake: I like tennis too. The next question is what is the traditional food in your country?
Miki: I think sashimi is. And sushi also is.
Blake: I like both sushi and sashimi very much. And often go to Fuji restaurant to have dinner.
Miki: Aha, Fuji is nice.
Blake: How about the people in Japan think aboutt their comic? And how about the most famous
Miki: They are popular. Such as the Slam Dunk,Dragon Ball.
Blake: The last question, what do most women do after they get married in your country?
Miki: Like my mother, she chooses to be a housewife after get married to my father. And almost women will to be a housewife after they get married. But I want to continue working after get married.
Blake: Hah, best wishes. I think you can catch your dream.
Blake: Ok, thank you Miki. The interview is over.
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